Mahāprabhu Śrī Vallabhācāryaha (V.S. 1535 A.D. 1478)
Brahmasutrānbhāsyam ( ब्रह्मसूत्राणुभाष्यम्)
In Vedantic tradition, Brahma-sutra or Vedanta-sutra of Maharṣi veda Vyāsa is unanimously accepted as the most authoritative work next to Veda. It is also known by various names like Uttara Mīmāmsā, Vyāsa Sūtra, Bādarāyan Sūtra, Brahma Jijñāsā, Caturlakṣaṇī Mimämsā etc. Brahmasutra is constituted of four Adhyāyas.
- Samanvaya-adhyāya
- Avirodha-adhyāya
- Sādhan-adhyāya
- Phala-adhyāya
Each Adhyāya is divided into four Pādas. Pādas are constituted of several Adhikaraṇas. And finally Adhikaranas are constituted of various Sūtras.
'Brahmasūtra-anubhāṣyam' is a commentary written by Śrī Vallabhācāryaha on Brahmasūtra. Bhāṣya up to III 2.33 (inclusive) is from the pen of Śrī Vallabhācāryaha, the remaining portion was completed by his second son Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī.
Following major commentaries and independent works are available on Bhāṣya.
Commentaries on Bhāṣya
Published works
- 'Prakāśa' commentary by Śrī Purushottamaji
- 'Raśmi' commentary on 'Prakāśa' by Śrī Gopeshwarji. 'Pradipa' commentary by Śrī Icharama Bhatt
- 'Marīcika' commentary by Śrī Vrajanātha Bhatt
- 'Prabhā' by Gosvāmī Śrī Muralīdharaji(Partly Published) 'Vivarana' by Go. Śrī Giridharji
- 'Bhāvprakāśika' by Gosvāmī Śrī Kṛṣṇacandraji son of Śrī Brijanathji
- 'Anubhāṣya Bālabodhinī' by Śrī Tryaṃbaka Pāṭhaka, PUNE
- 'Vaiyāsādarśana-Nyāyamālā' by Gosvāmī Śrī Vrajanāthaji's son of Śrī Raghunāthji
- 'Vedäntädhikaraṇamala' by Gosvāmī Śrī Purushottamacarana
- 'Adhikaranamala' by Gosvāmī Śrī Gopeshwarji (Yogi)
- 'Adhikaranasamgraha' by Bhatt Śrī Nirbhayrām
Unpublished works
- 'Guḍārtha Dīpikā'/'Yojanā' by Śrī Bālakrshna Bhatt 'Vedāntacandrika' by Someone
- 'Brahmasūtra-vṛtti' Gosvāmī Śrī Jivanācārya son of Śrī Gokulotsavji
- 'Gunopasamhar-pada-bhaya-vivaranam' by Gosvāmī Śrī- Krishnachandraji son of Śrī Brijanathji
- 'Anandanidhimīmāmsa' by Bhatt Śrī Gokulkrishna son of Śrī Ranachoda Bhatt
- 'Anubhāṣya-vivṛti' by Gosvāmī Śrī Vallabhji son of Śrī Vitthaleshji
- 'Prasadavagiśvar' by Gosvāmī Śrī Balkrishnaji son of Śrī Vallabh Dikshit
- 'Anubhāṣya-pada-pradipa' by Śrī Gopalji son of Śrī Vallabhji
- 'Tatvarṇava-bhāṣa' (only on Anandamayadhikarana) by Gosvāmī Śrī Balkrishnaji son of Śrī Vallabh Dikshit
- 'Anubhaṣya Tika' by Gosvāmī Śrī Giridharji 'Anubhaṣya Tika' by Śrī Ramnarayn
- 'Vedāṃtakaumudī' by Śrī Balakrshna Bhatt '
- Anubhāṣya Prakāśa' Gosvāmī Śrī Mathurānāthajī
- 'Anubhāṣya Siddhānta Tīkā' unidentified author
- 'Anubhāṣya Tika' by Bhatta Śrī Gaṃgādhara Śāstrī
- 'Vedāntacandrikā' by Gosvāmī Śrī Brijanāthji son of Śrī Raghunāthji
- 'Anubhāṣya Tippani' by Bhatt Śrī Govardhanji
- 'Brahmasūtra Kārika' by Gosvāmī Śrī Devakinandanji
- 'Brahmasūtrārtha-varṇana-kārikā' by unidentified author
- 'Anuvṛtti' unidentified author (v.s. 1964)
- 'Anubhāṣya-sara' unidentified author
- 'Brahmasūtra prakīrna vicara' unidentified author
- 'Brahmasütriyaparibhāṣikaśabdartha' unidentified author
- 'Adhikaraṇasamkhyāvicar' unidentified author
Sri Subodhini
Subodhini is the commentary written by Shri Vallabhacharya on Bhagavata Purana.
- Śāstrārth (Meaning of Bhagavat as a whole)
- Skandhārtha (Meaning of entire Skandha)
- Prākaraṇārtha (Meaning of Prakararana)
- Adhyāyārtha (Meaning of Adhyaya)
- Vākyārtha (Meaning of sentences)
- Padārtha and (Meaning of words)
- Akṣarārtha (Meaning of characters)
First four meaning is given in the Bhagavatārtha-Prakaraṇa, the third chapter of the treatise 'Tatvärtha-dipa-nibandha' while that of the last three meaning is given in the 'Subodhini' commentary.
Subodhini is available on the first three Skandhas, a part of fourth Skandha (Viz. Six chapters and 13 verses of the seventh chapter), the tenth Skandha, and a part of the eleventh Skandha (first four chapters and only one verse of the fifth chapter).
- 'Tippani' by Gosvāmī Shri Vitthalanathprabhu charan 'Prakasa' on 'Tippani' by Gosvāmī Shri Purushottamacharan
- 'Lekha' by Gosvāmī Shri Vallabhji
- 'Yojana' by Shri Bālakrishn Bhatt
- 'Bubhutsubodhikā' by Gosvāmī Shri Gopeshwarji
- HINDI : Entire Subodhini has been translated in Hindi languages and published.
- GUJARATI: Entire Subodhini has been translated in Gujarati languages and published.
- ENGLISH: Skandha 10 of Subodhini has been translated in English by Shri T. Raman and published in 17 volumes.
Suūksmatīkā ( सूक्ष्मटीका )
Śrī Vallabhācāryaha wrote a small commentary known as 'Sukṣma-tika' on entire Bhagavat Purana. He lost it in his very presence. Presently it is available on 'Vedastuti' and on first four verse of Prathama Skandh (Unpublished).
Gujarati: Shri Magnalal Shastri (Vedastuti only)
Bhāgvata Daśamā Skandha Anukramānikā
This treatise is an index of Śrī Kṛṣṇā ’s Lila described in the 10th Skandha(Chapter) of Bhāgvata Purān. Śrī Vallabhācārya wrote this treatise for his disciple Surdāsji.
Śrī Vallabhācāryaha established the principle of Brahmavād in this treatise. Śrī Vallabhācāryaha discarded the views of Śrī śankarācārya and Kumaril Bhatt, that the subject matter, objective and importance of the first part of Karmakāṃḍa and second part of Vēda(Uttarā Kāṃḍa) is different.
Tattvārthā Dipa Nibandha
- Śāstrārth Prakarṇa
- Sarva Niraṇaya Prakarṇa
- Bhāgvataārth Prakarṇa
Sodāsā Grantha
- Yamunāṣṭakam
- Bālbodh
- Siddhānta Muktāvalī
- Puṣti Pravaḥ Maryādā Bheḍa
- Siddhāṃta Rahasyama
- Navaratnama
- Antāha Karaṇa Prabodha
- Vivekadhairyāśraya
- Kṛṣṇāśraya
- Catuha ślokī
- Bhakt -Vardhinī
- Jalabheda
- Paṃcapadayānī
- Saṃnyāsa Nīranāyā
- Nirodhalakṣaṇama
- Sevāphalama
Paṃca ślokī
śikṣā ślokī
- Madhurāṣṭakam
- śrī Parivraddhaāṣṭakam
- śrī Kṛṣṇaāṣṭakam
- śrī Girīrājadharya āṣṭakam
- śrī Gopījana Vallabha āṣṭakam
- śrī Puruṣottama Nāma śahāsarāma
- Trividhālīlā Nāmāvalī
Sri Vallabhacharya's literary works (high level classification)
Śrī Gopīnātha Prabhucaraṇa (son of Śrī Vallabhācāryaji, VS 1568; AD 1511)
Śrī Gopīnātha the elder son of Śrī Vallabhācāryaji was born on the 12th Day of the black half of the month of Asvin in the S.Y.1568 soon after Śrī Vallabhācāryaji had completed a "Soma yajña " and was residing in the village called ADEL near Prayaga. He had reveiVēd the fond care and full guidance in his education from his father . Śrī Gopīnātha was quite simple and to him the teaching of his father were not mere doctriners to be studied and talked about in eloquence but, principles to be followed sedulousy.
Śrī Gopīnātha has written 2 books:
- Sādhān Deepika – this describes how Vaishnava’s should lead their life.
- Seva ślōkī – this describes the various methods of service to Thakorji.
- Saundarya Padam
Sādhān Deepika:
Śrī Vallabhācāryaji had composed a number of works to explain the philosophical doctrines, devotional course and reward of the Puṣtī-Bhakti sect. However , the work that may guide a disciple in living his daily life by maintaining a delicate balance between devotional duties and worldly Vaidic duties was made available by Śrī Gopīnātha’s book called Sādhān Deepika.
Seva ślōkī:
This small work is a systematic manual of Śrī Kr̥ṣnā's daily worship.
Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī/ Śrī Gusainji ( Younger son of Śrī Vallabhācāryaji, VS 1572)
Literature Works can be classified as:
Bhāṣy on Brahmasūtr
Śrī Vallabhācāryaji wrote commentary on Brahmasūtr up to III 2.33(inclusive). Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī completed the remaining part of Bhāṣy.
Subodhini on Bhāgvat Purān (Unpublished)
Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī seems to have intended to accomplish Śrī Vallabhācāryaji’s task of writing ‘Subodhini’ commentary on complete Bhagavata Purān. However, in his writing also, Subodhini is available only first 3 chapters of 4th Skandh of Bhāgvat Purān.
‘Tippani’ on Bhāgvat Purān
Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī has written many extensive important notes to explain meaning of Subodhini commentary written by his father Śrī Vallabhācāryaji on Bhāgvat Purān.
Commentary on Vṛtrāsura Catuhaśalokī
Śrī Vallabhācāryaji’s commentary is available only on the last verse of Vṛtrāsura Catuhaśalokī. Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī completed the work by writing his commentary on the remaining 3 verses.
Nibandh Prakāśa ( From 3/4/33 to 3/5/135 and half ) :
Śrī Vallabhācāryaji wrote ‘Prakāśa on his own treaties ‘Tattvarth Deep Nibandh”. However, the same was not completed. ‘Prakāśa was available up to 33 verse of the 4th skanda of third chapter of Bhagavatartha-prakaran as written by Śrī Vallabhācāryaji. Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī wrote upto 135 and half verse of the fifth Skanda.
Commentary of Ṣoḍaśa Graṃtha
- Yamunāṣṭakam
- Siddhāṃta Muktāvalī
- Navratnam
Commentarty on Madhurāṣṭakam
Gāyatrārtha Prakāśa Kārikā
Explanation of Śrī Vallabhācāryaji Gāyatri Bhāṣy
Commentary on Non- Puṣṭimārgīya Works
Nyāya deśa vivaraṇama
Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī has written commentary on the fifteenth verse of “Nyāsavimasatī”of Śrī Vēdantadeshika, an eminent scholar of Visishta-Advaita Vēdanta.
Gītagoviṃdama (first chapter only)
This is basically a Vāda Graṃtha. In this treatise, Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī, has dealt with 2 major philosophical systems namely māyāvāda and nyāya.
Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī has discussed various beliefs regarding the causes of Bhakti and finally proVēd that God’s grace is the true source of Bhakti. Written for the disciple Śrī Murārī Ācārya of Khambhat Gujarat.
Bhakti Hamsa
Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī has presented a comparative and critical analysis of the nature and various modes of Bhakti with reference to Snehātmikā Puṣtī Bhakti.
Bhakti Jīvanama
Small work that inspires the devotee towards Puṣtī Bhakti.
Gītā Tātparyaṃ / Gītāheturnāya
Essence of Gītā has been discussed in this work from the view point upakarmā and upasaṃhāra of Gītā .
Gītāartha- Vivarṇama
Available only on first adhyāya, It describes inter-relation of the verse of Gītā and meaning and some important words of Gītā .
Once Śrī Kr̥ṣnādas, disciple of Śrī Vallabhācāryaji, depriVēd Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī to worship Śrī Govardhananāthajī. During that period of 6 months which he spent in seclusion, Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī had written this Vijnaptis to Śrī Govardhananāthajī .
Instructions is given in this work about the consecration( bhavapratiṣṭhā/puṣṭa) of Sevyā Svarūpā (Śrī Kr̥ṣnā’s Murti) before bestowing the deity to the disciple for daily worship at his house.
Contemplation of Śrī Kr̥ṣnā’s rescuer form is described in this verse.
Catuḥ Ślokī 1
Catuḥ Ślokī 2
By several scriptural citations and strong arguments, author has proved gradation or diversity in Mukti.
- Sarvottama-Stotrama
- Vallabhāṣṭakama
- Sphurat-Kṛṣṇāpremāmṛtam
- Prabodha
- Sevāvidhi-Bhavana-Śloka
- Maṃgalāratīkāryya
- Rājabhogaratikārya
- Śayanarātrikārya
1st Paryāmaka
2nd Paryāmaka
In praise of Śrī Kr̥ṣnā
- Bhujaṃgaprayātāṣṭakam
- Śrī Gokulāṣṭakama
- Śrī Lalita-Tribhaṃgī-Stotrama
In praise of Swaminiji and Śrī Yamunaji
- Śrī Svāminī Prārthanā
- Svāmīnāṣṭyakama
- Śrī Svāminī Stotrama
- Rādhā-Prārthanā-Catuḥślokī
- Yamunāṣṭapadī
Contemplation of līlā
- Śrī Nāgarasamaṃdama
- Svapna-Darśana
- Guptārāsa
- Vratācāryastapadī
- Janmāṣṭami-Nirṇaya
- Rāmanavamī-Nirṇaya
Śrī Viṭhṭhalanāthajī's literary works high level classification: